To whom it may concern,

        We are in the midst of a curious case for the helm of this Great Nation. No matter how it twists to turn out. I will continue living in Detroit, Michigan, my home state. And I am looking forward to filing my first quarterly report for 2025. Here are my little notes and homework for the June 27th, 2024 debate.

  1.         We can address inflation by focusing on areas other than Oil and gas production. Farming agriculture and livestock; Thinking locally while strengthening interstate exchange can alleviate food prices. A recent world economy event where countries chose to move away from their centralized reliance on the U.S. financial system is also settling in.
  2.         The National Debit; The Democratic parties priority is wealth redistribution and it is a dastric. They are not providing any transparency "...give us the money, and then we will figure it out." Then there are these rumors of Universal Basic Income. Today a young person is saying to themselves "I don't want to have wealth." Striking down the hard-working American spirit that they should be inheriting. Improving trade and exportation of Domestic products and resources is an alternative. We make good products, build well, incorporate regulations, and have standards all by design to keep our workers and products safe. The unions have a long history of mitigating the relationship between the worker and the employer. In other countries the workers don't have the same experience, it is dangerous and there is no accountability. If it is made in America, then it was made with decency and quality in mind every day.
  3.         Abortion is scary, nobody wants to hear a doctor convey the imminent threat to life, a childs, a loved one, or ourselves. Regardless the Federal Law does not allow for frivolousness. In my opinion, America continues to make room for exceptions and choices.
  4.         Immigration; The current administration let go of the ball here at the beginning of their term. And during this debate, I heard a few "If you pick me. I will take care of X by doing Y." I kind of agree that when borders get squiggly people get squiggly. We could have been thinking about what we could do for our neighbors so they stop knocking on our back door asking for cereal milk and cigarettes. But for some reason, people are just as outraged about building a factory in Mexico as they are about a new fence. For Independence to continue as the American narrative, bearing that honor requires maintaining the integrity of our characteristic supportive role. We are talking about a country that has only two next-door neighbors, it's not that complicated. And did you know, we are facing a water crisis? And I recall from middle school when people need water, they go to look for water. The fact is that fresh water is a requirement for the human organism to survive and this crisis is approaching an inescapable event.
    1. [water crisis in Mexico - Bing)]
    2. [water crisis in Mexico - Google]
    3. [water crisis in Mexico - DuckDuckGo]
  5.         The African American story is the American Story. While watching this debate, each candidate somehow managed to prop up agendas specified for all segments of society. It is essential to have adequate representation and voices. African Americans and the communities they inhabited communicate frequently on all topics. They are teaming with knowledge of what the whole body expects. I have seen people come to their table briefly, say they will help, leave things early, and worse off. We are talking about an aspect of American culture I am proud of. For one, I am wholeheartedly excited about the growth already witnessed.
  6.         World affairs about war. I don't agree much with any war, nor financially supporting one independently. The current administration did just that with Ukraine. Their subversion of the third-party intermediary body ‘NATO’ was not communicating anything exemplary on the world stage. And for the Democratic party to say they want to make and give “Bigger Bombs” speaking on Israel, is a crude and barbaric statement. I don't think he was fibbing. So if you want to make and give out bigger bombs you know who you can vote for, not me. Iran takes responsibility for everything and anything that troubles the world. They've always been like that, for as long as we've known them.
  7.         To make it clear the Democrats brought up Insulin. And it came along with the old "If you pick me. I will take care of X by doing Y." My response was, "Yes you could have." And it felt more like a threat than anything because the Democrats are talking about a medication that people require to sustain life. As-if Joe Biden had some magic string in his back pocket he could pull on and save life. Question: Will we hear this again? And is this not frightening when a fraud perpetrated at the helm of the highest office in the land is broadcast live on television?
  8.         Case for Climate; This is the classic cart before the horse. Stop using so much plastic and plant more trees. Trees are the best renewable resource we have; Plastic is poison. If you wanted all electric everything yesterday. Then we need Oil and Gas tomorrow, bottom line. And for your information, I am asking all the right questions about Nuclear. Wind and solar are nice because redundance is critical, yet the flaw is still poignant. The Electric Grid needs to be secured as soon as possible; all sources are trunked together for us as consumers. Electromagnetic Impacts, such as those from solar activity retain the potential to surpass local bounds and regional gap stops.

 One thing I'd like to take a moment to bring up is our veterans. For as long as I can recall I have heard about how the veterans are being treated poorly and have been forgotten. This is not a quick fix, an 18-year-old enlists and may discharge in four years. But what happens when this man or woman is surpassing retirement? To postulate a Universal Basic Income and Healthcare for all in light of an existing disparity is a slight. The reasons for a person joining up vary in degree and all take up rank amongst our extremely diverse cross-section of Humanity. It is a unique experience no other nation's Military can provide. A person who joins one of the six branches of the U.S. Armed Forces will take their knowledge and training through every stage of their life, every civilian job, and every interpersonal and professional relationship. They are not ordinary, they are exceptional.

 My response to the topics mentioned during the June 27th, 2024 debates are not just to sound good, or express political rhetoric. I've thoughtfully discussed these topics throughout the years and enjoy looking into the numbers and historical context as current events and these subjects rise up. You can see through prior quarterly reports that what I find important is fairly consistent. And what was debated is a full plate for the potential President. While each point has moving parts my responses here are palatable and I hope, you will find this report readable and understandable. I'd like you to feel these tasks could be accomplished. I can be confident because we are getting back to the basics. I have opinions about what has occurred with Joe Biden, now a mooted point. Former President Donald Trump on the other hand has already proven to us that he is not a good role model. The attitude during his prior term had caught a fire that spread all across the country. Today, I just don't believe he has his feet firmly grounded. The language continues to express a treatment that is inexcusable and will not stand to unify. You can bet he will be more combative if not equally divisive in measure and tact.

2024, Q2; Statment.

To whom it may concern,

  We are all concerned about the going on around the world and the conflicting nature of our lawmakers/representatives. My goal is to bring people together rather than divide them further. I see that the push and pull amongst constituents trickles down and that angst spreads through the spirit of each of us. Vast and cutting maneuvers ousting policies and instituting interests. In effect not moving the needle for the people, instead sinking further the line in the sand. I find it has been ineffective because there is a good solution to many of the issues we face. What we see is the party personality outweighing its principle. One wants to inflict a blockade on the other to an extreme which nullifies any future effort by the perceived opposition.

  Miscommunication in world affairs has been a large factor in our human history. It seems though, at this time, the same sort of indiscriminate behavior has been brewing here at home. At a time and place in civilization where communication and clarity are at a monumental stage. We should be embracing this revolution in connectivity.

  Reforming our prison system is often at the top of the list. The stories that spark the initiative revolve around the family structure. The core concept is to repair our sociological relationships and end mass incarceration. Building both equity and ensuring the equality promised by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We are stepping up to the challenge in a few ways.

  DNA Testing.
  IGNITE programs are in 20% of jails and were begun in Genesee County MI [NSA IGNITE | NATIONAL SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION]

  My opinion is that the perception of incarceration will no longer be a scarlet letter to any man or woman. I do believe that regular jail time does have benefits for people. I also do not wish for any young persons to believe that incarceration is a pathway to learning a trade or getting an education. That is not a good mindset and an extremely faulty cultural presentation for prison reform. The exception in my eyes would be reading and writing skills. We are lacking in these disciplines as a nation and that has been weaponized against us.

  In ‘my reading’ of the constitution our second amendment protects more than just firearms. Unfortunately with a minor slip-up in discipline or a slight miss-step in routine handling, the result is a fatal accident, not a fender bender. A path could incorporate renewals in safety and instruction. Unlike driving which is a privilege the Second Amendment is a right.

  Accounts of Adverse Possession, commonly called squatters' rights, coming into conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment are taking off. In today's climate, this should not be the ‘grey area’ it has become. Property theft in such a way, being billed as a colloquial ‘loophole’. Things have changed with the flux of the population. Too much leniency here is outdated.

  The Family Medical Leave Act needs to be protected. If not only for the expansion of the Nation's appreciation towards our pregnant and new mothers & fathers. Today we have a better understanding and our common welfare should come first.

 Adam Michael Dunn

2024, Q1; Statment.

To whom it may concern,

  The past year has allowed us to all see the shadow tactic and not much else. The Seventy-Five Billion was a shameless trickling investment in a war. While simultaneously wishing to raise taxes. The ideology that raising taxes without representation is against the principles of this Nation. We all now see why this is a suggested path. We want people to buy bonds instead and fund public works.

Our plan for American Healthcare:

  A great point is to recognize what we are doing right. The Emergency response to any health crisis on American soil is the best on the planet. The fault in associated costs is placed squarely on insurance companies. Your insurance company is a form of privatized socialism with decades of statistical data and experience. An effective alternative is a meantimes plan of action. For example, at this moment in time: ‘A heating and cooling man or woman working to keep our family warm and grandma safe from heat stroke can not rely on health practitioners to 'fix' them.’ Unfounded confidence as such is interrupted once an individual finds themselves as dependent.

Four-part plan:
    Independence: In Case of Emergencies: Americans can not rely on the Healthcare system as a safety net for personal shortcomings. It is just a matter of fact. And a conservative value that I believe many Americans hold and something that is in our plan to nourish.
    Community: Plenty of good: Our younger generations are taking personal health more seriously. A culture of recreational activity and fitness is having a renaissance. Place the focus on these aspects because these are local humanitarian efforts. And they have been ramping up organically across the country. It shows that someone cares about you.
    Precaution: The numbers do not lie: Infections, Wound occurrence, Malpractice, Fraud, etc. The list could go on. The federal and private insurance companies have an endless stream of data. The resultant concludes that it is best to avoid poor health decisions and be more careful. No amount of taxes collected and funneled into healthcare can gap the coverage between personal responsibility and what healthcare workers are capable of.
    Preparation: This is the crux of our solution: The capacity to fully comprehend and utilize the human body through educated practice and repetition. You should consult a physician*, prior to hanging a hat on the ideology that physical activities are ‘not for everyone’. It is known that there is an alarming socioeconomic concern regarding personal health.

 We have the social right to our full human potential. What we choose to do with that information is called freedom, and this is what the United States government is here to promote and protect.

 Adam Michael Dunn
In hopes that this initial 2024 statement is received well, we will commit to providing more of our planned approaches. The people who ran this country used to be made up of a body of people that citizens of a city or state would select to represent them. Generally, because they had good ideas and worked hard. Politicians were drafted positions in society. So why is it that politics is a viable career path? A lot of people wonder why that is.
*edit 04/27/2024 @ 2100

2023 Statment

To whom it may concern,
  Here are the values I have for putting the country first.

  Education; Obtaining knowledge is a noble pursuit and service to the Nation, Society, Community, and your family. Promoting this ideology can change the world one person at a time. Societal gains are personal gains of elevation and enlightenment. Understanding that preparatory work is essential to building a foundation. The paradox of education. The world needs people to dig the ditches, pour the concrete, cut the rebar and do the hard work. Farming is not a mindless task. Starvation is a real possibility. Choosing education is not to overcome hard work or substitute getting dirty. It's about doing things better, faster, and cheaper.

  The threat of War; There is no fairness in war. I stand on the principle that balanced solutions to all problems are possible. Often restraint is viewed as a weakness. Practicing restraint is the prowess of peace. Someone is always watching, waiting to go behind the backs of the United States and undo what we have done. We have made progress recently so as not to spread too thin. And as I have spoken previously, we are at war in America, on our soil, classrooms, and homes. The fight is for the American mind, the American dream, and our American futures.

  Relationships with Mexico are directly related to our approach to the world and how the world sees us. Unwelcoming, Inconsiderate, and personally offended by disparity and crises of the other. It requires a solution, not dilution.

  Eco-Terrorism and War on Drugs. Shifting from neglect to focus. We know the systemic effects of drugs and pollution. We live it. And yet the hubris in thinking we as humans could change the solar system or the past. We can no longer meddle with the fabric of reality. We must move into accepting defeat, making the about-face. Be gentle.

  Infrastructure; We have all the utility and none of the pride. We stand united on the shoulders of giants. Yet falter at this juncture. We must not shrug at the responsibility of maintaining what we have. There is no building back; there is no again; there is only now.

  How I am offering to serve the country is to report back to people on my findings. What I have laid out in this value-based plan is a fair approach. These seminal topics and my strong faith in them come from historical evidence. We have all watched as these essential underpinnings decay to the point of being compromised. The structure generally is unsound.

 Adam Michael Dunn